Keynote Speaker

Team Experiences

Maintain Momentum

Inspire the Relentless Pursuit of Excellence

Bottom line, Manley can help you and your teams:

– Lead in the Unknown
– Reach Next Level Sales
– Embrace a Leadership Mindset
– Step Up and Execute in Any Environment

3 important questions to consider when choosing a speaker for your live or virtual event:

#1 – Has this speaker actually done it?

YES! From the front lines to the executive level, Manley's business leadership experience has driven real world results!
– Helping grow global business revenues 862% and land on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For, combined with mountain climbing adventures around the world has yielded insights and frameworks that you can implement immediately.

“Unlike many who write and speak about leadership success in business and life, Manley has actually done it. For more than ten years at Build-A-Bear I saw first-hand the results of Manley’s Vertical Leadership Lessons.”

– Maxine Clark, Founder Build-a-Bear Workshop

#2 – What good is information if you are not inspired to implement it?

Manley balances actionable content with authentic inspiration so your audience actually takes action to drive real ROI from your event.
– Expect your attendees to walk out equipped with rock solid content, fired up and motivated to drive breakthrough results.

#3 – Is this speaker relevant and engaging?

Expect your audience to be on the edge of their seats, completely captivated, writing notes and deeply committed to taking action.
– When they get back to work, they will know exactly what they need to do to increase productivity and profits in their organization.
You and your audience deserve more from speakers, especially when you invest in a full time professional keynote speaker like Manley. Starting with his first paid speaking engagement in 1995, he has relentlessly pursued excellence on the platform and it will show.

“Best keynote speaker I’ve ever heard!”

– Tom Moen, Microsoft

Call 314-724-3443 today to find out how he can help you reach Your Next Summit!

>>> CLICK HERE to Check out Manley in Action <<<


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A Resource to Help You Gain Clarity, Build Momentum, and Get What’s Important Done

What People are saying

For the event planner, he’s a breath of fresh air – easy to work with, conscientious about the details, and always among the top speakers on the customer ratings list, where it really counts. It’s my pleasure to recommend Manley.

Cinda Daly

Director of Content, HDI

Manley is an inspirational leader and speaker that will leave your audience believing that they can accomplish anything including climbing a mountain! He utilizes his real world adventures as metaphors to solve a broad array of challenges in the workplace.

Dean E. Cherry

Group President, Cenveo, Inc

A few of the Organizations Served