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Dude- what’s up with the hair???

Got hair?  Give Wig!

First, it's an odd stare, and then the eventual question from those courageous enough to ask is- “So- why the long hair?”
It started as a young musician and teenager dream, inspired by my early 80's guitar heroes.  But then as my Mother tried to stop it, well- the rebel in me responded.
But- it took on a deeper meaning as the 1st of 5 pony tails grew in my 20's when my Mother was diagnosed with lung cancer.  Cancer took her hair and her life only 18 months later when she was 58.
When she lost her hair during her journey with cancer, my long hair became a symbol of not giving up for both of us.  And while she let go of her early need for me to be a “clean cut young man again” and fit into society and style, I finally cut some of my pony tail for her and buried it with her on May 30th, 2000.
Thanks to a suggestion by my wife’s cousin, Jessica Cline of, I then continued to grow it and started donating it every 3 years to so children dealing with cancer could have hair again.
So, you could say I’ve been a hair farmer for 20+ years ~~~:-) <<<(my trademark long hair emoticon)
I have managed to keep it despite the prejudice and judgment I get for it nearly every day, and well beyond any period of time when it was in style.
Recently I’ve engaged Wigs For Kids so I can take my contribution beyond “my wig” and explore ways I can help them through my life passion to help others.

Got hair?  Give Wig!

If you have the opportunity to grow your hair long, I hope you might consider joining me as a hair farmer too!

Manley ~~~:-)

Update – for the 1st time in 21 years, I decided I needed a “full reset”, and am currently sporting a new doo:

Manley and Social Media Expert and Author Phil Gerbyshak at the National Speakers Association National Convention in San Diego, 2014

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