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How to Stay Focused: 3 Ways to Improve Your Day

This article was originally published on September 2, 2018 and has been updated.

Do you ever have a day when you get home and you say “Man, this day rocked! I got loads done, great meetings and was on top of my game.”

Let’s call that Scenario A.

Or, do you ever have the opposite happen?

Let’s call that Scenario B.

Scenario B is when you get home and you’re just completely wiped out from your day: “This day sucked. I’m frustrated because I had a lot of things I needed to accomplish, but the day turned sideways on me.”

Somehow you got swept away in the chaos that life brings all of us every day. The key is to cut through that chaos (check out my blog on simple but effective ways to cut through the chaos of daily life).

Well, this blog is going to show you how to improve focus — and how to stay focused, so that you have more days like Scenario A.

I want you to be able to walk inside your home at the end of every day with a clear mind. I want you to feel more fulfilled than frustrated, so you have more left over for those who love and need you most.

The Secret? Strategic Moments.

To seek self-fulfillment, there are three strategic moments that can help you stay focused, get more done and help you deal with situations that are out of your control — so even when things don’t go exactly as planned, you can deal with them.

These strategies will help you learn how to stay more focused, be more productive and serve the people you connect with every single day.

Watch my video on how to incorporate these three strategic moments into your everyday life, and then continue reading to learn how to improve focus and reach self-fulfillment!

Now, let’s get started!

First, write out your strategic plan.

And by writing, I actually mean handwriting. Why hand write it out, you ask? Well, I believe that the most effective tool for strategically planning your day and getting better mental clarity is to use a handwritten planner or journal.

My three strategic moments are CLARITY, MOMENTUM, and REFLECTION.

Strategic Moment # 1: Clarity

how to improve focus by seeking clarity

Here’s how to get clarity in life, of mind, and of purpose: attach clarity to an existing routine you do every day.

Maybe it’s grabbing coffee before work, or completing your morning exercise routine. When you carve out that moment, seek out clarity on what exactly it is that you want to accomplish for the day.

What’s most important to you? Use these moments to seek out clarity and really find the purpose behind what you want to accomplish every day.

Strategic Moment # 2: Momentum

man jumping and building momentum

I call this the momentum check-in.

Sometime in the middle of the day (during lunch or coffee break, or any time you see fit), ask yourself: “Am I on track to win this day?”

The importance of momentum in everyday life is underestimated – that’s why your check-in’s are so important. If you’re not feeling it…build that momentum and get your day going!

Strategic Moment # 3: Reflection

man looking out window and completing his daily reflection

Daily reflections are crucial to seek the self-fulfillment you need for a successful day.

Reflection will be your key focus in the evening – perhaps at the end of your work day or even before you go to bed.

The point is to take the time to reflect on your day. Reflect on the challenges in your day, the successes, the chaos, and everything in between.

Putting the Three Strategic Moments into Action

Here is the quick tactical debriefing process I use.

Ask yourself two simple questions:

Question # 1

What did you like best about today?

Be specific about the language you use. Don’t gloss over anything. Truly look at what you enjoyed the most out of your day and what you want to celebrate about – even if it's the small things.

Even the smallest of accomplishments deserve celebration.

Write this all down.

Question # 2

What would you have done differently?

You can also rephrase this by asking yourself what lessons you learned today. Use your lessons to grow as a person.

That’s it! Focus on improving these three core strategies. Be consistent, and watch as you start to become more focused, positive, and less frustrated with the things around you.

Be in control of your day! Elevate your results and watch as you start to accomplish things in your life without letting challenges or setbacks discourage you. Instead, use them as motivation to improve your life and reach all your goals.

Want to learn more strategies about how to stay focused, get things done, and be successful? Check out the blogs below!

1 Mindset and 3 Steps to Build Momentum and Get What’s Important Done in Your Life – Vertical Lessons

The 2nd Most Important Gift – Influence and Lead Everywhere

11 Strategies to Help You Be Successful When You Feel Weighed Down

6 Responses to How to Stay Focused: 3 Ways to Improve Your Day

  1. I recognize those three things from your guide book. I just pulled it out of my bookcase and will start using it daily. Thanks for another great tip Manley. I’m also grateful to be able to call you my friend.

    • Thank you Bob! I’m grateful to call you my friend as well and that my work is helpful to you and your teams!

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