Keynote Speaker

Team Experiences

Maintain Momentum

Leading in the Unknown – Let People Know You Believe in Them

No question, we are leading our lives in difficult times and facing challenges we've never experienced.

Leading in the Unknown requires us to believe in ourselves and those we lead even when our foundation of courage has been shaken to its core.

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6 Responses to Leading in the Unknown – Let People Know You Believe in Them

  1. Thank you for this Manley! I have shared this with our HDI Local Chapter Officers. Hope you and your family stay safe.

    Hugs to all of you from Falls Church VA

    • Hi Sandy! Thank you for sharing with our HDI family!
      I hope you and yours are staying safe and well despite the chaos of our current times.
      Huge hugs back to you Sandy!

    • Hi Parashu!
      I remember you well my friend. I’m glad this was helpful to you Parashu, and I hope you and yours are staying well and safe!

  2. This is just what I needed to hear, so thank you! Sometimes we second guess our choices and during these times feel almost in a state of helplessness, wondering how we can support our teams and encourage them to move forward in uncertainty. They are seeing people lose jobs and working around many very sick folks that need us now more than ever. The fear and anxiety is high. Stay safe!

    • Hi Beth- thank you for your feedback, and most importantly thank you for having the courage to continue to lead and support your people on the front lines who are dedicated to the health of your patients! I appreciate you!!!

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