Keynote Speaker

Team Experiences

Maintain Momentum

Raving Fans

Your people will love Manley's balance of information and inspiration!

Testimonials from Raving Fans: Manley Feinberg Motivational Business Leadership Expert Keynote Speaker from Vertical Lessons on Vimeo.

More Focus, More Commitment, More Momentum


“I am the organizer for TEDx Gateway Arch in St Louis, Missouri. We were lucky enough to have Manley speak at our event on August 30th. I can't really say anything other than AMAZING! Manley really wowed and entertained our crowd for a solid 20 minutes and everyone wanted more. We will definitely have Manley speak at future events.

tyler thomas

Tyler Thomas
Co-Founder & Operations Manager,

Best keynote speaker I've ever heard!”

tom moen

Tom Moen
Solutions Specialist, Microsoft

Manley's presentation to the top leaders of our company was the best motivational speech I have seen. Manley engaged our team with tremendous energy and enthusiasm. Manley has embraced mental and physical challenges in places that most of us can only imagine. But Manley’s gift for storytelling helped put all of us on the mountain right there with him, anxious to see and hear what’s next. Equally important, he talks about his experience in The Vertical not just to entertain and engage, but also to purposely draw important lessons for all of us to apply in the office, at home, and in our communities.

Manley’s book, Reaching Your Next Summit, strongly reinforces Manley’s message. I think it also speaks to Manley’s character and authenticity that in his presentation and in his book one of the strongest messages relates not to any of Manley’s own achievements, but to someone else who inspired and left a lasting legacy without position or title.

I highly recommend Manley for inspiration and important lessons everyone can benefit from.”

Michael J. Dierberg
Chairman of the Board, First Bank

“Manley is the kind of speaker every business leader needs on their team.
As a sales VP, I've seen it all, but Manley's work stands out for 3 reasons:
1 – He delivers fresh, relevant and actionable ideas your team can use immediately.
2 – He really drives personal accountability in a way that results in each team member stepping up with a bigger commitment.
3 – Most importantly, months later, the results of his work continue to grow and make a difference in the bottom line.”


Mark Aubuchon
Vice President of Sales at Royal Papers Inc.

Manley inspired and connected to our June 2015 audience of Energizer global leaders. The preparation by Manley to learn about our company in order to customize his message made a huge difference. I would highly recommend Manley as an inspirational speaker for leadership events. Thank you for helping Energizer to reach the summit of a successful spin-off from Edgewell!

Sue Drath

Sue Drath
VP, Global Rewards at Energizer

Manley has a great presence and way of connecting with his audience when he speaks.  He is committed to serving the audience to ensure they take value from his talk.  The personal stories and Vertical Lessons he’s learned from climbing can be applied to any business or personal endeavor.  I highly recommend him as a speaker.”

helen jardine

Helen Jardine, Chief Development Officer,
Northwestern Mutual – St. Louis

“Manley inspired and equipped our sales and marketing teams to achieve breakthrough Q3 / Q4 results. His message and content were customized and relevant so that it inspired my team to put it into action. His content is based on real results he's achieved in business – not theory.
We enjoyed him so much, that we immediately re-hired him to work with more of our teams across the whole company.

Jim Norton

Jim Norton
EVP, Sales & Marketing at Bomgar

Manley was a huge hit at our Digital Government Summits – more than 30 of them in 2016 alone. He energized our audiences and got everyone thinking outside their normal boxes and comfort zones – exactly what we want in a keynote speaker. Manley is not only a true professional in every sense of the word but he’s also the nicest person we’ve ever met. It’s impossible to work with Manley and not become fast friends. We can’t recommend him highly enough!”

Jack Mortimer
Vice President – Events at e.Republic

“Manley is one of the most inspiring motivational speakers I have ever met.”

Samantha Tang
Vulnerability Risk Management, Walt Disney Company

“Manley spoke at our Leadership Summit earlier this month. We were excited to talk with him and thought he would be an effective speaker to close a three day meeting of our top 100 leaders. We compare our journey to that of climbing a mountain – reaching one peak only to look up to the next challenge and opportunity.

Manley was even more impactful than we anticipated. He was truly extraordinary. He took the preparation for our Summit very seriously, meeting at length with key leaders in advance to assure he fully understood our messages, challenges and opportunities. His is a mesmerizing speaker, engaging the audience in every word. Our team left feeling inspired, optimistic, and challenged. Manley was truly one of the most impactful speakers I have heard.

Our team is still talking about how inspiring Manley's speech was. I would highly recommend Manley as a motivational speaker – he is just terrific.”

Shelley Seifert
Chief Operating Officer, First Bank

“…Over the years, I have been to numerous events and saw Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Dan Kennedy, Brian Tracy, and probably 50 more top names in the speaking industry. I can honestly say Manley can now be included in the same rank with those top pros. He blew me away with his honesty and compelling stories of overcoming both personal and business obstacles. If you are in need of someone who can energize and empower your next event, I highly recommend Manley. You won’t be disappointed.”

Derek D'Angiolini

Derek D'Angiolini
Author of Bunker 5

“Words alone will not do Manley Feinberg justice. You must experience him. Wow!! Electrifying, passionate, powerful message delivery, and applicable in all professions, including your home life and community; expertly fine-tuned to exceed your goals and expectations.

As I listened to Manley’s keynote, I also looked at the audience around me and every person was engaged, riveted, and on the edge of their seat for what was to come next. Manley connected on such a personal level with his audience. His enthusiasm, values, integrity, authenticity and commitment are evident in his presentation and in the way that he embraces his gifts. From playing guitar, to storytelling, to spectacular views from the side of mountains! (yes, he climbs mountains too!!); in its entirety, when Manley speaks to you it is moving and inspirational.

I am a forever-fan! Such a kind-hearted, good man. I look forward to hearing Manley speak again in the future and can’t wait to read his book; “Reaching Your Next Summit!”. I highly recommend him for your event, without pause!

Thank you, Manley for changing the lives of so many. And I quote you – ‘Belay On!’.”

Sandy Hutzler
Program Manager, Infrastructure Services
CNO Financial Group

“Many times in life you will have opportunity to hear motivational speakers who are able to give you a better perspective on some aspect of work, life, or family. A limited few will be able to take you beyond understanding to practical application. Manley Feinberg’s inspirational Vertical Lessons ranks up at the top.

I can testify to his ability to motivate and bring life, hope, and reason to both young and seasoned executives alike. You are a better person and organization once you have encountered time with Him.
Fear can suck the life out of people, departments, and organizations. Manley can help harness fear so that it brings LIFE personally and organizationally.”

Daryl Pint

Daryl Pint
CEO Ceva Biomune

“Manley was the keynote speaker at our recent company State of the Union gathering with all employees. He was awesome. Manley captured everyone's attention, wowed them with stories of the difficulties of rock climbing and inspired them with application of lessons learned from climbing to the difficulties of real life. I would highly recommend him as a speaker for your organizational events.

Gene M. Diederich

Gene M. Diederich, CPA, CFP®
CEO at Moneta Group

“It was an absolute pleasure having Manley as our inspirational speaker at our sales conference this year. Manley was super easy to work with and engaged the audience in multiple ways during his keynote! Manley was willing to meet with us prior to the event, arrive early to attend key breakout sessions, and stayed afterwards to engage with the attendees at our closing event all to ensure his keynote was delivered perfectly and tailored to our audience! I would definitely recommend Manley for folks looking for an inspirational/motivational speaker for an event!”

Madison Bender
Customer Welcome Center Manager at HP, Inc.

We recently asked Manley to bring his Vertical Lessons to my company. We combined his motivational speaking skills and corporate coaching lessons to help focus my teams attention to reach our distant and lofty annual goals. Manley incorporates motivational presentations, individual coaching, along with a team climbing experience to help accentuate the importance of building trust amongst teammates while reaching for new personal bests.

Although we are only 2/3 complete on our custom program the results have been impressive. My team's national rank has risen from #106 to #78 out of more than 18,000 independent agencies in just a few short months. My overall production from my team has also risen about 32%.
If you are looking for a coaching partner I would highly recommend speaking with Manley Feinberg.

Bradford O’Neil

Bradford O'Neil
Principal at Bradford O'Neil – State Farm Agency, LLC.

“…I wanted to thank you for an inspiring, energizing, and rocking keynote last week! The feedback has been extremely positive and everyone appreciated the time you took to customize your message for service professionals, especially acknowledging specific people in the audience….”

Jessie Coffey

Jessie Coffey
Enterprise Account Executive, Microsoft

Manley was one of, if not the best, speakers I've heard at any conference.
This was one of the best Keynote Speakers I’ve listened to at a Conference/Summit, very good message and had fun with it, kept me entertained and alert.”
Perfect speaker. I cannot imagine a speaker who could encourage and motivate more than Mr. Feinberg. Beyond excellent!

eRepublic 2016 Leadership Conference Attendees

Manley provided both a key note and a workshop presentation at our national conference and the feedback across the entire group was outstanding. Manley was voted the most impressive and inspirational speaker at our conference, by a clear margin.

Manley has a great story to tell and he tells it extremely well. However, for me the real power was in how he aligned his messages to day to day life and the challenges and opportunities that our financial planners business owners are facing in a rapidly changing environment.

Manley is a world class speaker with a great story, a great style and can align the core messages back to any industry. For these reasons I have no hesitation in recommended Manley to anyone seeking the quality and attributes alluded to above.”

Andrew Kennedy
Chief Executive Officer at Total Financial Solutions

“I LOVED hearing Manley's message. He spoke to exactly what our company needed to hear. His stories were so animated and descriptive, if felt like I was reliving the moment with him. A very moving speaker! I would recommend him all day long! I hope to have you back again Manley- everyone was raving about you!! Thank you again for your inspiring message!!”

Kami Wise
Administrative Assistant at Liveops, Inc

“I have had the pleasure of attending two different conferences where Manley Feinberg was the keynote speaker, and both times I have found his presentation nothing short of professional, passionate, and real. From the moment Manley takes the stages he engages the audience, and throughout the entire presentation his enthusiasm for life and his love for climbing summits draws you into his adventure where you literally wait to hear what happens next.

Manley uses his experience climbing summits to demonstrate how you can conquer your summits. Whether your struggles are in your home life, or professional work life his principals can be applied to both scenarios, I know as I have used his method in both situations and it works! This last conference I took the time to periodically look around the audience, each and every time I saw people nodding their heads in agreement, smiling, and laughing.

Many co-workers after his presentation said it was one of the best keynotes they have heard in years. I have read his new book “Reaching Your Next Summit” Vertical Lessons and found it inspirational, and just like listening to him in person waiting to hear what he says next, I could not wait to turn to the next page.

I highly recommend Manley, everyone can benefit from hearing Manley. Belay on my friend.”

shannon ludwig

Shannon Ladwig
Homeland Security Program Planning Specialist

I was extremely motivated and fired up after hearing Manley speak. His storytelling is so effortless but is able to deeply move you. He is amazing at getting the crowd involved and invested in his lessons and adventures. His seven lessons are a great base for any audience and those with aspirational dreams will be ready to go out and complete some goals upon leaving the room. His ability to weave the story and the lessons together is so strong. I wanted more and it is easy to see how he would make a great keynote or spend a few days working with your staff or management team. Get him now while you still can.”

David Finlayson

David Finlayson
Business Builder, Smart Energy & Invest Atlantic

“Manley is an inspirational leader and speaker that will leave your audience believing that they can accomplish anything including climbing a mountain!  He utilizes his real world adventures as metaphors to solve a broad array of challenges in the workplace.”

Dean Cherry

Dean E. Cherry
Group President, Cenveo, Inc

“I had the privilege to see Manley speak the Liveops kick off event December 2018. It was very inspirational personally and professionally. Manley created the notion of how we can support one another as a team, as well as supporting myself in my own professional goals. In addition, his personal success that stemmed from letting go of fears and simplifying goals allowed me to rethink and revisit my own personal projects that I have (arts, media, etc.) It was definitely an emotional roller coaster! Manley took us on ride with personal experiences throughout his life thus far, not just to inspire us with a, “I did it, you can too” undertone, but a “here is what I learned, what did you learn?” attitude. This was not just a typical motivational speech but a way to set motion to what you may have already knew but didn’t know how to achieve. The way he can captivate the audience and retain the attention of a room full of almost 300 people was impressive too. Definitely a genuine and dynamic speaker! Thank you for the ride, now it’s time for me to build up my courage and build my own roller coaster. 2019, here I come!.”

Hieyam Abdu
Information Architect | Educator at Creative Soul

“Hand on heart I would have to say I have met very few people in my life that have inspired me as much as Manley. He is a true leader in his field and whenever I attend one of his sessions I always feel that he has a personal mission to make my life better.

I would urge anyone who is serious about improving their own perspectives and approach to life, their teams or company to engage with Manley. His sessions are the most engaging and fun you will ever have, who else brings a guitar, climbing rope and carabineers as aids to their presentation?!

Every customer and colleague I know who has been lucky enough to spend time with Manley has nothing but great things to say, when people leave his presentations they have a smile on their face and a determined look in their eyes!

Manley joined us at our EMEA conference this year and was by far the most highly rated speaker, I think one of the things we all appreciated so much is that after his sessions he stayed on to chat to people over coffee and lunch so that they could get to know him and learn even more, it’s so rare to see someone give so much and just be so happy doing it.

Life is about lessons and how we deal with challenges, Manley’s Vertical Lessons equip you to face these challenges head on and make sure you succeed at whatever field or industry you are in.

John Noctor

John Noctor
Director Customer Success, Cherwell Software Limited

“I attended the recent ITSMf Fusion Conference and was fortunate enough to attend 2 of Manley's tracks. I consider his sessions as transforming and life-changing based on the impact it’s had on my personal and professional life and based on how it has propelled my leadership ability in such a short time. It was truly refreshing and an approach that totally captivated me.”

Mario Davis

Mario Davis
Senior Manager, Charles Schwab

“I recently attended a keynote luncheon speech by Manley in Halifax Nova Scotia Canada, and then we spent the cold Canadian January night sleeping outdoors as a fundraiser for addicted young men. This Keynote was incredible and unforgettable. The content was the best I've heard & I've been to dozens of conferences. The formatting of the speech and how he wove the points altogether will never be forgotten. Book him.”

Matt Whitman
Deputy Mayor, Halifax Nova Scotia

… “I've never worked with a speaker quite like Manley before. He spent a significant amount of time talking with us about what we were looking for and provided examples of what he could deliver. He LISTENED! He also made a video commercial for us to promote our event! All of this was above and beyond our expectations.

His presentation was impactful and relevant for all of us.

I have heard nothing but positive things from everyone who attended.
Having worked with a number of speakers for our events over the years,
I can safely say that Manley is hands down the best in the business!”

Beth Jacobsen

Beth Jacobsen
Support Administrator, Infinite Campus

“Manley is one of the most charismatic and inspirational speakers I have had the privilege to experience. His content was highly relevant and focused on the individual, as well leading and developing teams. It was truly inspiring and helps you to see the art of the possible if you have the will, commitment and belief.”

Tony Probert

Tony Probert
Managing Director, Cherwell Software Limited

“This is the most useful session that I have attended at the conference. I am leaving with practical things to do.”

“This session should be a must attend for all. Great!”
“Excellent! Best session all week for me! Should be a pre-session!”
“Awesome session!”
“Really engaging. Great ideas, take aways- most helpful breakout I attended.


HDI 2012 Conference attendees

“Vertical Lessons Impactful Leadership and Training Approach is “Mind-Numbing”. Within my organizations: TheDrillBook, Global Sport Academy Group, Maloney Global Group & Hale Global Capital we strive to avoid “Sameness” and push to become “Curve Jumpers”.  Manley has caught the imagination of our people and empowered them to take ownership of their roles and contributions. ‘The Impossible has become the Inevitable.'”


Mark Maloney
CEO Maloney Global Group, Founder and CEO of

“I first heard Manley speak at our Electrical Manager Seminars at my Company's headquarters in Eau Claire, Wi. That was my fourth year attending and Manley was by far the most engaging, informative, and entertaining speaker I have had the privilege of attending.

The way he uses his experiences as a rock climber to present leadership methodologies and retail strategy was amazing. The best thing about his presentation was that I was given real world practical advice that I could directly apply to my job rather than some abstract ideas that look good on a whiteboard, but hold no real value in business.

I hope I get to see his presentations in the future.”

Shawn Niemann

Shawn Niemann
Department Manager, Green Bay, WI.

“If you are in search of dynamic speaker specializing in retail sales, you can do no better than Manley Feinberg. Our firm recently secured Manley for a series of 50 presentations on behalf of a successful retailer in the Midwest, and they could not have been more pleased with his performance. The Operations and Training personnel with whom we work have exceedingly high standards and expectations and I heard nothing but glowing, satisfied and positive feedback from them about Manley. In fact, they have already inquired about bringing him back for future workshops!

The content of Manley’s programs was entirely customized to the organization. He went to great lengths to thoroughly understand and represent the company’s culture, mission and climate and was able to deliver constructive and applicable information to the audiences. Complimenting his professional approach, Manley is genuinely a joy to work with and exudes energy, positivity and composure.

I would recommend Manley to any organization and am ultimately confident that his guidance can improve any team’s sales and communication capabilities. He has the very rare ability to keep his audience engaged, regardless of the subject matter. His delivery is nuanced, relatable and packed with interesting narratives and examples.

I look forward to working with Manley for years to come. And to hearing many, many more praises from my clients about his outstanding work.

With Sincerity,”

Nicole St.Pierre

Nicole St.Pierre
Corporate Communications Director, PSMVP Entertainment & Promotions

“Manley is a great motivational and inspiring speaker! Saw him this morning at the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA Los Angeles Chapter), Summit 9, at the Universal City Hilton as the primary Keynote Speaker. Amazing life achievements as a climber, great guitar player, and an awesome person with life lessons we all can apply to our lives and profession. Over 1,000 attendees got the privilege to see him! Very memorable.

Freddie Garcia

“I had the opportunity to hear Manley speak at a Project Management Professional Day hosted by my local PMI chapter. “Wow, I was blown away” is the first thing that comes to mind. He is an excellent speaker and keeps you engaged as you await the next insightful life lesson he has to share. I am reading his book now and just love it. I already have a several people in mind I want to share this book with. If you have the opportunity to listen to him speak, read his book or hear him play our national anthem please do. You will not be disappointed. ”

Kim Norwood
Mortgage Technology Professional and Encompass Certified System Administrator

“Having just finished a leg in the 2014/2015 Menard Seminars, I really feel a very sincere Thank You is well deserved for you. You did one heck of a super good job leaving many informed managers you worked with very enlightened.
A Big Thank You!!!

larry menard photo

Larry Menard
Menard, Inc.

Every now and again you meet a professional speaker who leaves a lasting impression of passion, commitment, and creative expression that makes you want to do everything better. Manley is one of those individuals.   He takes a “create a new box” – not think outside the box – approach to his work.

For the event planner, he’s a breath of fresh air – easy to work with, conscientious about the details, and always among the top speakers on the customer ratings list, where it really counts.   It’s my pleasure to recommend Manley.”


Cinda Daly
Director of Content, HDI

“Your Vertical Lessons connected specifically with me for many reasons, but most of all because I felt you were able to articulate things that I try to get across while coaching youth sports, such as Showing Up and Stepping UP, motivating others through your Courage, being Accountable, etc. That really hit home for me.

On a professional level, I found your message so refreshing, because it encouraged everyone to get outside of their comfort zones and really actively try to grow.

This was the best speech and most engaging presentation I’ve heard at any conference. Thank you!”

adrian huber

Adrian Huber
Pennsylvania Department of Education

Manley Feinberg has a true gift that reaches people and makes them want to be better. He is able to convey his message in a powerful way because he is real, unpretentious and interesting. A very engaging person who loves people and who has walked the walk in his private life as well as his professional life.

Manley’s determination and positive outlook along with the ability to motivate others make him a welcomed guest anytime. We have never been disappointed when we have asked Manley to speak and would highly recommend him to anyone.”

Kerry Sims

Kerry B.Sims
Kentucky State Police Commander – Capt.retired

“Folks I recently had the privilege of attending Manley's all-day workshop on leadership at the recent HDI conference in Las Vegas. I have over 10 years’ experience leading teams and coaching staff. I am passionate about team culture and building a positive cohesive work environment. Let me say, Manley is the REAL DEAL. He possesses a level of expertise and experience that transcends many if not all of his peers.

However the key element in Manley's ability to positively influence his audience is his unique genuineness. He is instantly likable, and he cares deeply about his message and reaching people. Manley is an avid mountain climber and expertly weaves many of his experiences into his presentation while mirroring our own struggles in our day to day jobs. I had the opportunity to meet with Manley one on one for over 90 minutes the day after his presentation. Throughout your life you meet a hand full of very special people of which Manley is certainly one. He has the RIGHT STUFF!”

Jason Rigney
Co-Location Customer Support Manager CME Group

“Manley you are a very engaging and inspiring speaker. The way in which you brought out the importance of teamwork and employing cultural differences to best advantage was impressive. Thank you for speaking from your heart. The audience loved you and I appreciated how wonderful you were to work with.”

Debbie Taylor
Founder of Taylor Made Events & Speakers

“Wow! What a simply mind-blowing moment for me to hear you speak at the Leading Age Florida event! I have a very good understanding of those focused moments in life where it's just you and a “wall” in front of you – …biting that proverbial “elephant” one bite (or ledge grasp) at a time with complete attention and intention.

Also, the idea of who is on your “belay” today is huge as so many of us work as a team environment and never really sit and contemplate who's holding those “ropes” for us on the other end. Planning and purpose is everything- in climbing, business, and your personal live and so many people lose sight of that (and the next ridge). Thanks so much for your priceless gift of thought and my son and I look forward to read your book this weekend! With many kind regards….”

Liz Smith
Director, Mid-Atlantic Business Development

“It is safe to say Manley left a lasting impression on every service desk professional in the room. His passion, positivity, and real-world adventures motivated me to examine the kind of impression I want to leave on those I interact with both personally and professionally. One of the questions I asked myself during his presentation was, ‘How many people do I look at but actually never see?’

He really reminds people to stay focused on what matters in both the work place and our personal lives: it is PEOPLE.

Vance Brown

Vance Brown
CEO and Co Founder, Cherwell Software LLC.

“Our company had a great experience with Manley. His session quickly brought in participation and interactive participation. We focused on a number of issues and all were addressed. Manley's style brings a comfort level where people open up much more then other speaker I have experienced. We are in process of scheduling additional sessions.”


Thomas Mohl
President of Wiseconnect

“I had the opportunity to attend Manley’s presentation “Chaos & Momentum” at the EEI Health and Safety Conference. Manley left a remarkable impression on the attendees in delivering valuable lessons on leadership and in providing actionable strategies. Manley stands out from any other keynote speakers in addressing leadership. I highly recommend Manley if you are looking for a powerful speaker on leadership and strategies in communication. This is why: • Manley delivers his message in an unforgettable way by connecting immediately with the attendees and keeping them engaged throughout his presentation; • He uses his experience as a mountain climber and from the business world to illustrate real-life challenging situations and explain what leadership truly means; • Manley creates an unique atmosphere where everyone can relate easily to the challenging situations he describes; • Everyone walked away with actionable strategies, specifically in asking the right questions, challenging beliefs and anchoring our actions. Thank you Manley for empowering attendees with the tools they need to succeed!”

Brigitte Dufour
Occupational Health, Regulatory Compliance

“I recently had the opportunity to experience one of Manley’s presentations at a conference and I was truly moved. He started with a touching story – extremely well done – however I was most impressed when he proceeded to explain the presentation. His energetic yet clear and succinct description of the fundamentals of storytelling was the highlight of the two-day conference. He has provided me with a clear outline of how to improve my business.”

Josiah Dean

Josiah Dean, MBA
Owner and Principle Management Consultant, Abundance Marketing and Design

Repeat engagements are a great indicator of success. Manley has spoken already to several groups at our Company and he relates well to all levels of the organization. His inspirational messages of teamwork through rock climbing examples provide a fun and thoughtful atmosphere that has a lasting impact with his audience long after he is finished. In addition, employees left with concrete ideas they could implement immediately that would make a difference in their work life. I would highly recommend that you consider Manley for your next corporate event.

Greg Furstner

Greg Furstner
Director Human Resources, CEVA Biomune

“I hired Manley to assist me with a workshop I was presenting for college basketball coaches' spouses at the Final Four Basketball Tournament in Atlanta this year. The pressure was on and Manley made the prep a breeze. He was there to meet with me either in person or by phone as I needed. He helped me prepare the workshop one piece at a time so it did not feel overwhelming. Manley provided a wealth of resources, ideas, and guidance that resulted in the best presentation I have ever given. His calm demeanor, inspiring guidance, and constant encouragement made working together an absolute pleasure. Not only have I found a mentor, coach, and teacher, but also a friend for life. Thank you Manley!”

Connie Whitesell

Connie Whitesell
Owner and Consultant, PW Associates Inc.

“I recently had the pleasure of attending a seminar in which Manley was the keynote speaker. He captivated me with his adventures and excited me with the business principles that he delivered. I then read his book, Reaching Your Next Summit! 9 Vertical Lessons to Lead with Impact, and was so blown away by his storytelling and approach to life that I contacted him and convinced him to attend my end of the year executive, management, and sales meetings, as well as give a keynote speech during our company holiday party that same weekend. Manley’s personality and insight were priceless during our meetings. He added value and passion to our review and strategic planning sessions. As the keynote speaker his storytelling was extraordinary and his energy was electric. He was able to take his experiences both in business and rock climbing and deliver impact with principles and action items germane to my team. It is my belief that I have found a life long mentor and friend whom I would highly recommend!”

George A. Lemieux II
Lemieux & Associates

I had the opportunity to hear Manley speak at the Fall EEI Healthand Safety Conference. What a powerful message. I highly recommend Manley if you want to motivate and inspire your team or yourself.

Paul Kevin Ellison
Senior Customer Safety Consultant at Caterpillar Inc.

“First impressions are everlasting. I recall the immediate calm with warmth in my heart the first time I met Manley. An overwhelming presence of peace and good intentions to meliorate the world encompass his soul. There’s no obstacle too large, no timeline too tight, no being too inconsequential. Listen to his story and watch the world through his eyes – he will change you. He changed me.

Jennifer Vogel

Jennifer Vogel
Vice President – Digital Marketing Resources – Program Development and Launch
NSI Marketing Services

“Certain few people in this world present with instantly engaging and captivating qualities. Manley is among that few. Before ever speaking to our audience as a key speaker at EEI’s Fall Conference, Manley struck up an immediate bond by projecting a palpable sense of compassion for others. To describe the value and intensity of his presentation with my own words would serve only be to diminish his messaging. Manley is an incredible leader with quite the story to tell. He provides immediately actionable lessons in the context of enviable life adventures. I am fortunate to have met Manley and am carrying along his wisdom to help propel me toward my own next summit. Thank you, Manley!”

Gregg Slintak, CIH

“Manley Feinberg II, with Vertical Lessons came out to Upper Limits Rock Gym for our member’s only event. His stories were incredibly inspiring and he really kept the audience engaged. We are looking forward to having Manley speak again at our next big event. I would highly recommend Vertical Lessons if you’re looking for a fun, motivational speaker who really connects with a crowd!”

upper limits logo

Shelly Pupillo
Program Manager – Upper Limits Inc.

“Manley is unlike anyone else. He speaks from the stage with remarkable sincerity and skill. What places him above the rest, however, is his authenticity off-stage. Manley helps all those in his path through his positive nature. There is no one who can bring together business skill, speaking skill, and relational motivation like Manley Feinberg.”

Nate Brown
Director of Customer Experience at UL EHL Sustainability

“I've worked with many speakers over the years but especially appreciate the talents Manley brings to the platform. He uses his own adventures as metaphors for important tenets on leadership, teams and creating a workforce that wants to come together and work. This is not an easy task! His take on his topic is different, engaging and practical. If you are looking for a high content, high energy presentation check out Manley!”

Lois Creamer

Lois Creamer
Founder and Owner Book More Business Consulting

“Praise and a round of applause!

We were fortunate to have Manley as our Keynote Speaker for the 2017 Kansas City Animal Health Investment Forum. Manley was contagious, with enthusiasm that filled the room. He engaged, energized, inspired and encouraged me to go for the next summit, mountain, to continue to climb. 

“Sometimes you have to ignore a few to win the hearts of many…”

I am looking forward to reading Vertical Lessons!”

Tricia Montgomery
Founder & CEO, K9 Fit Club

“Manley is able to share his love of the outdoors, Information Technology and speaking and wrap them up in a very professional manner. He has worked with the best of the best to hone his skills and is an expert in his field. Manley is a wonderful storyteller and a World Class Speaking Coach. He can easily motivate and coach his clients to achieve their professional goals.”

Kim Myers

Kim Myers
Co-founder, Your Legacy Speaks, LLC

“I had the pleasure of being in the audience when Manley gave a presentation in Orlando, at the SCN conference a few weeks ago. His message keeps coming back to me and it has changed the way I look at my business and my world. I am so thankful for the gift of his words and his enlightenment. We surely cannot do it alone and yes, Manley, I promise to Belay On! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

Anne Duffy
Editor and Publisher at DeW.Life

“Manley is always professional, positive and enthusiastic. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak and was in awe of his natural talent to keep an audience engaged, interested and entertained.

I hope to hear him speak again soon!”

Casey Kleekamp

Casey Kleekamp
Manager, National Marketing, Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc

“A negative attitude is usually the biggest obstacle to success.  Manley Feinberg helps people understand this through keen insight from his personal experience.  His inspirational approach helps you improve your outlook and overcome the negativity that is often present in the modern day workplace.  Manley also helps you see what’s really important so you can focus your energy and get positive results.”

Jorge Riopedre

Jorge Riopedre
Executive Director Casa De Salud Health, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro St. Louis

“Manley, as a professional speaker, will not only motivate you but also inspire you to excel. Manley has a great insight in Art of communication that will help you learn how to get your message across. Along with his enthusiasm and passion, Manley has an unique way of analyzing your presentation that will definitely improve your communicating skills. I have found Manley going out his way to encourage and assist to make a positive change.”

HK Patel

HK Patel
Director of Production, Thalden•Boyd•Emery ARCHITECTS

Manley brings an energy that is infectious to all he does. The Central IL Chapter of the National Customer Service Association contracted Manley to speak at our Fall Workshop and he delivered far beyond our expectations. He provided useful tools to the attendees and captured the audiences attention with his professional development ideas directly related to his climbing experiences. At the end of the session, I was ready to climb a mountain, even if only metaphorically. Thank you Manley for providing insight and inspiration to all.”

Amy Beadle
Event & Ginna's Cafe Leader at SCHEELS

“Manley is the valuable combination of human and technical skill. His sincerity and keen human insight lead him to great listening and presenting skills. He is a born leader with technical prowess and an ability to execute on complex projects. One look into Manley’s eyes and you know he gets it and will get it done – with humor and humility.”

Dave Hinkle

Dave Hinkle
Corporate Vice President

“I just had the experience to set through one of Manley’s presentations at the Illinois Digital Summit in October 2016. I have been to a lot of conferences, summits and IT shows everywhere, but it isn’t too many times you have a speaker that leaves a lasting impression on you like he did. Manley’s use of his experiences growing up and become what he is today, the use of rock climbing and how to demonstrate it to IT and Verticals was amazing. I would highly recommend him for any event that you would like a great speaker and someone who will leave that lasting impression on you. He is excellent!

Kory Chapman

Kory Chapman
Information Services Specialist at Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology

“From the first time I met Manley over 10 years ago I was inspired by the way he lived his life.  Whether he is scaling a mountain, playing music, leading in business, or being a terrific father and husband, he demonstrates for all of us that our lives are here to be explored and lived fully.”

Brian Vent

Brian Vent
Former CEO, Waterworks Inc
Former COO, Build a Bear Workshop

“Manley came to us with a very creative proposal that brought to life the principles he teaches in his consulting work–teamwork, solidarity, trust, getting out of your comfort zone. Manley gave us real-world training and got us all out of our comfort zones (one of his core teachings).

Manley put as much effort into his preparation as he did his delivery. My entire team raved about Manley's training and asked that we do more hands-on learning just like Manley put together for us.

Manley's teaching is simple, creative and easily remembered and applied. I'd highly recommend Manley to anyone looking to build a stronger team.”

Gary Baxter

Gary Baxter
Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Ceva Animal Health

“In 2017 our organization partnered with Manley Feinberg and Vertical Lessons to deliver a business seminar on Leadership and Customer Service to our community. The event was attended by 200 professionals from a variety of industries such as information technology, healthcare, manufacturing, banking, retail, hospitality, and others. Manley was extremely professional in his presentation and authentic in his approach and passion to deliver real life of examples on how to drive change in our personal and professional life. The feedback we received from our attendees was nothing short of fantastic. Most importantly though, is that Manley invested the time and effort to consult with our Board of Directors prior to the event to accurately gain a full understanding of our business challenges in Central Illinois. If you are looking for a motivational speaker or business consultant to enable cultural change and results in your organization, I would highly recommend Manley. He is excellent! Steve Peralta Client Engagement Director, RL Canning President-CIL_NCSA”

Steve Peralta
Director, Client Engagement

Our members loved Manley’s presentation! Along with excellent ratings, we saw evaluation comments such as, Great! Awesome! Loved his presentation. Excellent presentation.
Not only did Manley deliver excellent content in a most engaging fashion, he was also a pleasure to work with from planning to completion.

Loraine Koepenick

Loraine Koepenick
Coordinator of Member Services at INPACT Americas

“Manley’s Vertical Lessons provided the tools to help develop our team dynamics and an awareness of the power of the mind in improving ourselves both personally and professionally every day.

As you know, it is the individual effort of each member that leads to the collective success of the team, and I have seen a marked improvement in how the team interacts, empathizes, collaborates, and trusts each other on a daily basis. Manley was emotionally and professionally invested in the success of our program and my team, and I couldn’t appreciate it more.

With his support, we have elevated a great team to an exceptional level of value and service to our organization.

Paul Riolo
Manager of Technical Support, J. Paul Getty Museum

“Manley is a thought-provoking and inspirational speaker! His stories will keep you tuned in to what he is saying and then by surprise he ties the story back to the professional and leadership side that matter so much in your career.”

Luke Johnson

Luke Johnson
Vice President, Services at Netelligent Corporation

“Having the opportunity to hear Manley speak was very refreshing. His perspectives for personal and professional life are not your traditional “think outside the box”-type of conversation. He makes you throw away the entire box and build a different one using different materials and even a different approach.
I highly recommend Manley as a leader and inspirational speaker.”

Abel Cruz

Abel Cruz
Technology Strategist, Microsoft

…I have seen many motivational speakers, been to several inspiring seminars, attending multiple business meetings and none have compared to the weekend you shared with my team. Some team members and I attended Tony Robbins event Unleash the Power Within and the Tony Robbins Business Mastery Seminar and that was great, but you are SO much better.

You teach by reaching out and opening yourself up to others. You draw people to your logical conclusions and explain in ways for everyone to understand and learn from. The world needs more from you.

In my opinion, you are the best I have ever seen or witnessed. We will not delay in implementing what we learned.

…I am so grateful for the opportunity of sharing a few days studying under you. You truly have changed my life and my company forever. For this, I am continuously grateful.” [READ IN FULL]

Ronaldo Needham
President and CEO of Ronaldo Designer Jewelry

If you are looking for a keynote to make your next safety meeting a success then you should hire Manley. His Vertical Lessons are a great fit for safety. He is genuine in his delivery and the lessons will extend beyond just safety. Manley tells his stories and you feel like you are hanging on the side of the mountain with him, and he encourages you to safely make the summit. Contact him today to get on his schedule.”

Carl Potter, CSP, CMC
Safety Speaker, Author, and Advisor to prevent workplace injuries

“I recently attended a conference where I had the pleasure of hearing Manley Feinberg explain Vertical Lessons. In this presentation Manley uses his experiences of climbing summits to simulate and demonstrate how everyday decisions can positively help you conquer your personal hurdles. I strongly suggest that you find a way to attend one of his presentations and share his message with people you care about. I’m sure glad I did!”

Timothy McGonigle
Mercer County Commissioner

“I’ve been to many conferences throughout my life. Manley was one of the very best keynote speakers I have ever seen!

Maria Paese
Principal Pearl River Middle School

Request for direct references are welcome and encouraged! I am happy to introduce you to any of the clients quoted above, and a long list of other business leaders and event organizers for additional insight into my work.

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A few of the Organizations Served