Keynote Speaker

Team Experiences

Maintain Momentum

Vertical Lessons Experience

The Vertical Lessons Experience is a custom developed program to help you and your group develop More Clarity, More Commitment and More Momentum to drive the results you want and need.

The events are centered around one of three areas of focus, to create a Strategic Leadership Event or Deep Dive Learning Experience:

Cultivate a Leadership Mindset

  • Learn to Gain Clarity and Build Momentum Every Day to Get What's Important Done
  • Develop the Embrace Exposure Mindset through 9 Vertical Lessons
  • Walk out with a Strategic Plan to Develop the Relationships You Need to Influence and Lead

Team Transformation 

  • Dramatically Increase Team Commitment
  • Gain 9 personal leadership principles that will empower every team member to stretch their comfort zones and Serve Beyond Position.
  • Drive innovation by encouraging individuals to step up, support others, and say what they see

Influence and Inspire as a Leader – Master Advanced Communication Skills

  • Maximize your communication skills in every situation, whether you are in the boardroom or the lunchroom
  • Engage, Equip, and Inspire team members with multiple ideas they can use immediately to develop stronger relationships and increase their influence across vertical and horizontal boundaries


The Vertical Lessons Experience is based on proven frameworks presented through experiential and facilitated learning to help individuals internalize the actionable content. The primary goal is to equip and inspire attendees to extend their influence and impact as leaders, and grow their business results.

These events are most effective with a small team (approximately 12 people or less), in an offsite setting.

1 to 2.5 days is ideal.

Each event is a custom designed, once-in-a-lifetime Vertical Experience to drive accelerated results in life and business.

Your event can include a Vertical Climbing Adventure Experience with your team in an outdoor or indoor setting.

CEVA Sales Leadership Team Vertical Experience 2014 – Boulder, CO.

Each experience is co-created in partnership with you and the individuals you select to ensure you get long term ROI from your investment in growth.


Increased Engagement and Productivity, to Rock Your Bottom Line!

What clients are saying about the ROI of their Vertical Experience:

“Manley came to us with a very creative proposal that brought to life the principles he teaches in his consulting work–teamwork, solidarity, trust, getting out of your comfort zone. Manley gave us real-world training and got us all out of our comfort zones (one of his core teachings).

Manley put as much effort into his preparation as he did his delivery. My entire team raved about Manley's training and asked that we do more hands-on learning just like Manley put together for us.

Manley's teaching is simple, creative and easily remembered and applied. I'd highly recommend Manley to anyone looking to build a stronger team.

Gary Baxter

Gary Baxter
Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Ceva Animal Health

“Although we are only 2/3 complete on our custom program the results have been impressive. My team's national rank has risen from #106 to #78 out of more than 18,000 independent agencies in just a few short months. My overall production from my team has also risen about 32%.

Bradford O’Neil

Bradford O'Neil
Principal at Bradford O'Neil – State Farm Agency, LLC.

“Manley’s Vertical Lessons provided the tools to help develop our team dynamics and an awareness of the power of the mind in improving ourselves both personally and professionally every day.

As you know, it is the individual effort of each member that leads to the collective success of the team, and I have seen a marked improvement in how the team interacts, empathizes, collaborates, and trusts each other on a daily basis. Manley was emotionally and professionally invested in the success of our program and my team, and I couldn’t appreciate it more.

With his support, we have elevated a great team to an exceptional level of value and service to our organization.

Paul Riolo
Manager of Technical Support, J. Paul Getty Museum

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A few of the Organizations Served